I haven’t addressed this until now because I didn’t know how. I still don’t know how. Four seconds into an audio of a little boy crying out for his father, was more than my heart could take.

This needs to be acknowledged, though. I still don’t know where to begin to express my despair. This is a stain on American history. I weep for our country.

40 thoughts on “

  1. I listened to the Propublica tape yesterday and was reduced to tears. I simply could not listen a second time. I do not have words for the level of despair I feel for the systemstic destruction of my country. This fiasco of separating children from parents is the ultimate cruelty. How could anyone support such a thing. Such shame.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. It’s heartbreaking. I’m brought to tears every time I hear these children crying out for their parents. I feel like we are watching the end of our democracy. We the people are going to have to do something because our so called leaders of both parties are doing nothing.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. It’s barbaric. I cannot understand the continued support for that evil man and the GOP. They lie and lie and lie. I have wept from time to time for your country, which I have loved almost as much as my own. Now all I have is rage.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Has anyone seen the film “Sophie’s Choice”? I remember the scene from it where Meryl Streep’s children are ripped away from her by the Nazis (only to be killed anyway at Auschwitz) every time I hear about the atrocities being committed in our country’s name on our border. It was revealed today that the children who have been lately taken from their parents may ultimately never be reunited with them. All of this to serve a cynical ploy devised by the Trump administration to strongarm Congress into giving the shortfingered narcissist in the Oval Office his useless $25 billion-dollar wall. I used to think it was pointless hyperbole to compare Fat Donald and his minions (including most of the Congressional Republicans) to Hitler and the Nazis. Now I’m not so sure.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. When our government has to explain over and over that they are not Nazis…they’re Nazis. There is no procedure in place to reunite these children with their parents. The people who implemented and enforce this are monsters.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Unfortunately, this is only the beginning. his base loves it, Faux news loves it, the GOP isn’t going to stop it-Prez Twitler has the green light to go further in his depravity. We can only change this at the ballot box. Despite GOP efforts to suppress votes, there is still hope. I am a registered republican but haven’t voted that way for some time, and have donated money to my first political candidate ever – a Democrat, and i just made a second donation and soon attending my first event. It’s time to get engaged and vote out the hate.

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Our country is failing fast. And then to read people trying to justify this behavior as legal. Umm, really?? I don’t think so. One of the more ridiculous lies I read is that the kids aren’t the parents real kids. The cartel are supplying them for show or something insane. I just can’t. How long will it take us to restore our country once this administration is done?

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I hope my country will for once stand up and say enough no more. Children should never to be used as political pawns. The behavior exhibited makes me angry. I tear up thinking about all the children, boys and girls being taken away. So, I went to the ACLU website and donated, then wrote to my Senator and Representative, and come to the Fall elections will be reminding anyone why these people need to be shown the door. Count on it.

    Liked by 5 people

  9. I’m not American, but the news of your country is on tv almost every day and sometimes I just have to switch it off. Trump makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t know which exact words to use for what’s happening at the border, but it’s simply heartbreaking, it’s cruelty and a crime. I’m honestly scared how all this will affect the rest of the world. Unfortunately the American government of today did/and still does such a lot of damage in so many respects.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Your comment hurts the most precisely because you aren’t from the US. We used to feel pride in our democracy, in part because of the way the rest of the world used to see us.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I have dear friends in France, Canada, as well as family in Ireland…and they are all disturbed, disgusted, furious at our country (USA); and for the 1st time I’m full on ashamed to be an American. We as a country not only effect our own citizens, but this president and administration are causing ripple dominio destruction to all our previously foreign neighbors and allies. Nothing Mueller is doing is effecting the president/administration…nothing! Who cares about Stormy Daniels, Cohen, etc, etc? I don’t! I just wast TRUMP the racist selfish ignorant pig IMPEACHED – PERIOD! The only thing that can turn this around now is the next election to oust him and his creepy murderous incestuous family out of office and replaced him with another President Obama. ***I hereby nominate Michelle Obama- I wish she would consider a run for the office.


  10. I cannot bear to listen to any tapes because I get angry. I get extremely angry at the people, normal regular people, that think this is perfectly acceptable. That is what I find completely despicable that I just want to scream. What is happening here is NOT normal and cannot be condoned or excused and should be reviled for the horrible, horrible travesty that it is. And, now the US is leaving the UN, get scared, get mad. This excuse of a man venerates dictators and treats our allies with total disrespect, where do you think we’re headed?

    Liked by 3 people

  11. You are right. What I don’t understand is why the media is only now shining a light on it. These detentions and separations have been going on since at least 2014. I find it horrifying that it’s been allowed to continue for 4 years unabated. Congress can fix it. They must. But somehow I’m not holding my breath.


    1. They are shining a light because children are now being taken away from their parents, a practice that started a couple of months ago. That is the horror of this. Baby jails are a new thing, thanks to the Attorney General’s zero tolerance policy. They’ve made it clear this will stop if the border wall is funded by Congress. The children are bargaining chips.


  12. As a British citizen, I have no right to comment on American political decisions. As a human being, though, seeing the heart-wrenching consequences of those decisions, I surely do; this decision is wicked and shames us all. How can anyone be unmoved by the distress and suffering of the child pictured above? Well, apparently, Mr Sessions can; by picking bits from the Bible and using them out of context,lo! he has God on his side. Elsewhere, in my Bible, I’m encouraged to show loving kindness to my neighbour, to welcome the stranger and “to suffer the little children…..” No help for Mr Sessions, there! The emotional damage being done to these children and to the parents grieving their loss is incalculable…shame on us all.
    Pat T.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Please contact your MP and ask him/her to make sure that The Donald NEVER gets his ride in a golden coach to a state dinner with The Queen at Windsor Castle. He has DESPERATELY wanted that treatment since he was elected; particularly since he is so reviled in Scotland because of his pie-in-the-sky business development lies to the citizens there.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Like so many others here in the UK, I did exactly that when the invitation to make a State Visit was suggested following Trump’s election. There was such an outcry that the idea has faded into oblivion, denying Trump his moment of triumph. Be assured I’ll be doing the same thing again.
        We stand with you and share your despair.
        Pat T. ❤️

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Hi Hillbily, an update on June 24.
          According to today’s announcement, Trump will indeed visit the UK in July but it won’t be a State Visit, so no golden coach with Household Cavalry escort, no flags or bunting. It’s billed as a low-key three day visit to cities, which is interesting because he isn’t going to London for fear of protests and demonstrations. He will meet the Queen at Windsor but there’s no mention so far of a state dinner…no pomp and circumstance at all for poor Donald! I’m sure the Scots will give him a really warm welcome when he visits his golf club before he goes home …let’s hope so! This invitation should have been withdrawn and I’m ashamed of my government’s failure to do so, weak and spineless lot that they are. Back to harassing my MP!
          Pat T.


  13. My heart is broken and it hard to believe this is happening in our country. If this doesn’t wake up people to how dangerous Trump is, I don’t know what will. He is heartless.


  14. I just saw a news item that the Secretary of Homeland Security went out to dinner tonight at a MEXICAN restaurant in Washington DC! (You really can’t make this shit up) She was shouted down and had to be escorted out by her security detail. A MEXICAN restaurant – are you kidding??

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Donald Trump is doing what he always does, attempts to force Democrats to negotiate using human lives as leverage. He tried with health care, DACA and now separating families. He’s trying to get money for his wall, etc. There is no soul in that ugly suit. Sorry for posting again but this hits a nerve.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. This morning reading numerous accts. of the many good people of America mobilizing to protest this offensive policy has helped me from plunging further into despair. There is hope.
    This is the America I have admired.
    Through tears there is hope.


  17. The current administration has started a trade war with Canada and China, is buildng a wall with Mexico and pulled out of the UN Human Rights Council. The United States is an outcast with the G7. They are trying to rescind all the good President Obama did in his 8 years in office. Now separating immigrant families. I don’t recoginize my country anymore.

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  18. Non sono americana e come tale non so se ho il diritto di giudicare il vostro presidente, ma sono una cittadina del mondo e come tale posso dire che sta compiendo azioni che solo i nazisti giustificherebbero. Probabilmente al posto del cuore ha una pietra poiché, solo al pensiero che uno di quei bimbi che invocano disperati i loro genitori potrebbe essere tuo figlio, ti si schianta il cuore.
    Purtroppo anche in Italia siamo messi male: Salvini, il nostro ministro dell’interno non fa più attraccare le navi dei disperati che, dall’Africa, fuggono dalla miseria o dalla guerra.
    Senza la pietà e la compassiione per i fratelli dove finiremo?.


  19. As tragic as this is, and it IS tragic and deplorable….this girl is a hero. My heart breaks for her suffering, but she put a face to this disgusting behavior and helped cause some of the outcry. I hope we can fucking FIX this soon. I’m ashamed to be an American and have this behavior to my name as a citizen. I feel like a powerless person in nazi germany or something, I just don’t know WHAT to do. -A


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