Saturday ‘s Thought

Why would someone assume that Mauzy posting an Instagram story from an airplane window with snow down below would mean that she was flying to Glasgow for a concert?

How would anyone have made that leap after not seeing Mauzy with Sam for 4 months, them not spending Mauzy’s birthday together, US Thanksgiving together, Christmas together, New Year’s together or time in LA together? This previously in-your-face couple who went out of their way to either show us wherever they went together or imply whenever they were together in the same city or country?

What would make someone jump to that conclusion, after all this time apart? What about that photo that Mauzy posted said “I haven’t seen Sam in months, he ignored all of my birthday posts, I’m now an Avon lady who spends all of her time in Seattle and I’m on my way to see Sam to attend a concert with him in Scotland”????

It’s a completely illogical conclusion to jump to. Even if you had a “source” that claimed beyond a shadow of a doubt that these two estranged lovebirds are together, why would you assume that a photo from a plane meant this girl was flying all the way to Scotland for a concert? Why couldn’t it be a picture of her landing in Colorado? Or Seattle? Or anywhere in the United States? And why is it that if Sam and Cait don’t spend birthdays and Christmas and New Years together it means they’re not a couple. But when Mauzy and Sam spend literally months apart, they are 1000% a couple?

I’ll ask the question again. Why, after 4 months, would anyone assume that a picture of snow taken from an airplane meant flying all the way to Glasgow for a concert?

There’s only one answer. You’d only make that assumption if you already knew Mauzy was about to post that concert video.

46 thoughts on “Saturday ‘s Thought

  1. Not sure if you will answer but I didn’t personally see any speculation on the airplane photo linking it to the concert in Glasgow, PRIOR to the photo of the concert. Obviously from what you are saying there was someone who did – can you give any hints or pointers in the direction of who?? Is it the usual Tumblr suspect or one of the fatter variety ? I knew that Sam posted a tour date guide of the band and then MM posted her ‘live’ shot – so (large yawn) we were obviously supposed to join the dots….mmm no thanks.


      1. Exactly. Everything is staged and calculated. You would think, however, that after all this time they would be better at hiding just how staged and calculated it all is.

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        1. I’m not convinced Sam was in on this. Whoever concocted it was in on it with Purv, though. She was the one who predicted it and later took a victory lap. I maintain it was too random a guess to not be a setup for Purv to look like she had the inside track. If she was “right” about Sam and Mauzy being together, and Mauzy was flying to Scotland for the concert, then she could go on to tell more lies and point to how right she was about the concert in Glasgow as proof she knows what she is talking about.

          Liked by 6 people

          1. Well, apparently Sam “liked” the band’s IG post from Dec 8 that listed their touring schedule; he liked it a day or two before MM allegedly flew into Glasgow. So it looks like he was in on it. Maybe Sam has been tipping off Purv all along, lol!


            1. That’s not proof. That’s speculation. He liked another band’s IG post, too. How do you know he wasn’t hoping to help out the band by giving them a signal boost? Why, after breaking free from this career-killing succubus would he willingly get back in bed with them? If he was in on it, he would have liked the Instagram post. He didn’t.

              Liked by 4 people

              1. I have no idea why he would cozy back up to the succubus; it’s just curious that he liked the band’s month-old post, hours before new MM innuendo involving the same band. Don’t know how the timing all worked out between the airplane post and the “like,” but you’re right, it’s not proof. Could be that Purv saw an opportunity with that “like.”


              2. Sam actually liked the Dec 8 IG post AFTER the concert, at like 2am UK time, and since the rumours that the girl was in Glasgow were already out there, to some people, and myself included, it seemed like he did it to play along, even more so when the next day the girl posted a video from the concert so we were led to believe that they both attended and likely together… (and also the fact that he did like a couple of her post over the holidays after ignoring her for so long could give one the impression that they were maybe giving the farce another try)… but yeah, Sam not liking her post made me think that maybe he was rly just helping out the band and the girl was the one taking advantage of it to create her own innuendo.

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  2. Agree. I see Purv’s sociopathic footprint all over this. It’s as about as obvious as her red shoes at the Emmys. Mauzy has everything to gain and, just maybe, might be able to give up her Avon Lady day gig. She is, after all, IG famous now🤢. Anyway, the “engagement” went over like a ton of bricks so that they’ve got bots liking random Twitter posts. Guess it’s desperate times.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. This is not the time. Things are not good right now. By posting and discussing these things openly you leave yourselves ripe for screencapping and ridicule. It’s a vicious cycle. It’s not shippers jobs to prove anything. You are doing this because people say you are delusional. You are not delusional. Your gut should be enough.

        Liked by 8 people

        1. I agree with you, Stella. This is reaching a new level of low for this sorry fandom. It’s very like our political situation at the moment. No matter where you turn or how you try to contain it, the slime just oozes out from another spot. I hope Puffy’s correct and this upcoming season is the last. It’s turned into such a hideous mess for them personally that I think that will be their only means of escape.

          Liked by 3 people

        2. True, but I think there’s probably a little bit of human nature going on. When you know in your gut that something is true, but people are calling you delusional, it tends to make you search more for hard evidence. That part of the fandom has already been pretty destroyed, and there may also be a sense of “what else can they do to me?” going on.


          1. No. This is the time when you use your grown up voice that tells you when something is not appropriate. This is the time when you realize something serious is going on and analyzing fuzzy pictures of a woman who appears pregnant and has brown hair and made a gesture like Cait and talking about it on a public blog as if you were texting with a girlfriend, is a whole lot more than searching for hard evidence. It’s losing a sense of dignity.

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            1. I think that’s what’s the most degrading aspect to all of this. It seems like they’ve had to forfeit their dignity. When you’re forced to purport a false engagement to your public, you are truly in a desperate set of circumstances.

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  3. Talk about fake news! It’s amazing on how much can be faked/manipulated on IG. I would question anything that comes up on their IG acts now-esp. MM. If you haven’t seen indie movie Ingrid Goes West yet- it is all about faking a life on IG and the benefits of it. Ironically-MM ex-bf is in movie LOL.

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  4. It’s is very strange. How someone had the exact same picture in the plane landing in Scotland without the snow for comparison. Really? What are the chances of that? All of it lately is bizarre.


    1. I saw that comparison too. It was on a S blog I follow; don’t remember which one. It was uncanny how how close the photos were. Manipulated perhaps?


    2. Exactly! Someone (I can’t remember who either) posted an almost identical plane photo almost immediately after MM posted hers to prove she was landing in Glasgow. Who just happens to have that lying around?? That made me immediately suspicious.


  5. I read the above post and went over there with my hazmat suit, she received the pic in a DM comparing the snow covered ground now with green covered ground at different time of year.


    1. Wow, that’s an amazing article! Great timing. Buying followers for pennies, accounts with a lot of followers (fake or not) getting paid $20,000 for a tweet, so much more it’s mind-boggling. Sam probably gets a new Audi with every two tweets!


  6. “There’s only one answer. You’d only make that assumption if you already knew Mauzy was about to post that concert video.” Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! That was my first thought when I initially started reading the rumblings (‘Ok, here we go again … another coinky-dink ‘tip’ tossed Purv’s way’🙄). How does sitting on a plane overlooking an unidentified snowy landscape translate into predicting a transcontinental booty-call & concert night after 4 months of separation? It DOESN’T. It only translates into more f*ckery from the fandom’s worst troll receiving a heads-up from the fandom’s worst “source” about the fandom’s neediest wannabe. I agree, Sam doesn’t appear to have been involved this time around. A band “like” back in early December? Probably just a “like”, but may have been an idea generator for a “source”, a troll and a thirsty wannabe needing to keep her “fans” engaged …

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    1. Apparently Sam liked the post after the concert, which was supposed to be code for “I was there.” It may have been, but everything else surrounding it is the classic shady af series of unbelievable coincidences and fabulous good luck.

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  7. From the time the picture was posted and the lighting in the picture, it is said she landed in Glasgow in the evening. So we are to believe she landed after a loooooong flight from LA and went out that night to the concert??? That this couple who is still together and going strong, who haven’t seen each other in months, would rather spend their first night together at a loud, crowded concert than spend it quietly alone. Going to a concert or going out at all sounds awful after a day of flying (in coach, no less as you can see she is sitting behind the wing!)…And it sure isn’t the first thing that comes to mind as something I’d want to do when just getting back with my boyfriend after not seeing him in awhile.

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    1. They sure fly great distances to attend concerts, don’t they? I mean, didn’t they fly back from a romantic trip to France last summer (right before/after Sam flew to Budapest) just in time to catch this band in NYC, then Sam turn right back around to fly to Europe for an MPC event he was late for because of attending said concert? So this girl loves THIS particular band so much she’s willing to fly 5,000 miles, land & go directly there after not seeing her bf for 4 months? Sounds like a passion more for the band than the guy … And WE’RE supposed to be delusional?? The stuff they peddle is mind-boggling to say the least. It absolutely defies all logic.
      I will say one more thing: the more absurd the narrative becomes, the clearer it is that WE are not the intended targets of this long-running sham. We’re just collateral damage (and SHAME ON THEM for it). We can see and think for ourselves and come to logical conclusions. We question everything that’s not logical or organic. It’s the Purvs, trolls, Sam-only’s and Cait-haters they’re really afraid will find out. NO ONE else is buying this stuff, but they (👆🏼 the real “delusionals”) drink it up like it’s free beer on a Friday night.

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      1. “NO ONE else is buying this stuff, but they…drink it up like it’s free beer on a Friday night.” Hahaha. It’s amazing, really. Having never been one to blindly swallow and follow, it boggle me that any one with even half an eye on all this doesn’t have bs alarms going off.

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  8. I guess I was in the wrong business…I had no idea selling cosmetics was lucrative enough to foot the bill for all that globetrotting


  9. So I just went back to her SM because I wanted to double check my first impression. Am I correct that the photo from the plane is no longer there? Hmmm. I first saw the photo shortly after is was posted and laughed at everyone jumping to the conclusion that she was headed to Scotland because my impression, judging from the length of the wing, was that the plane was not one of the jumbo jets used to fly overseas. It looked like a typical 737 (I live in Boeing Land 🙂 )


  10. Just a heads up Purv has a pic someone took in Glascow on the street. Sam is in the pic with MM out side a concert hall. I think it was this evening. I hate when I get bored I end up looking for trouble.


  11. Well, someone on facebook just posted a picture of Sam and Mackenzie together in Glasgow in a taxi line. Waiting for a taxi along with the general public after some celtic concert. Supposedly the poster took the picture without Sam knowing. It’s grainy and poor quality but you can totally tell it’s the two of them out on the town. Who knows what to think? I think I’m actually still here more to solve the mystery and see how all this plays out with Sam and Cait and their “SO’s” rather than just to “ship” anymore. (Although, I’ll always be a hopeless romantic and a wishful shipper)…Please stay with us P. It’s great to come to place with like minded people and discuss this fiasco.


  12. I am still trying to understand exactly how Purv is so “important, connected” that in most cases total strangers send her this type thing. Who or what is her actual connection to supposedly have such insider info? Maybe it is my age but I just do not understand that part. I,personally, think she is a want to be important person. JMO.

    While not happy about the “candid” picture recently posted I do have some thoughts. First, MM did not go to Scotland alone. Some members of her family are there also. They apparently are doing “research” about brewing. It is posted, or was,on the Company’s IG acct. if you look closely at that picture you can see Sam’s back is to MM. MM appears to be chatting/ laughing with a woman behind Sam. This woman appears to be the same height…..sister? In short I can’t buy into the theory she just flew to see Sam. A family trip which she was included to do research by visiting breweries and Sam just happens to live there. Just my thoughts…..but what do I really know?


    1. If daddy paid for the trip then making it appear like research it becomes a business write off, as well as advertising. May be cheaper than getting her top sales for Jan.


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