Trump’s Syria Strike

Note: Text in Italics is my own -Amanda

Well, something needed to be done in Syria and I’m not sure what our other options were, aside from the airstrikes. That being said I can’t say I believe that Trump acted as a humanitarian because he saw the children of the gas attacks. I’d like to believe that reason, but based on two years of seeing his anti-refugee and anti-muslim rhetoric I am skeptical. But I am glad something at least was finally done over there. I have always been critical of Obama’s inaction in regards to Syria. And Hillary would have done the same thing Trump did, in fact she recently said so.

Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to bomb Syrian air fields – via Reuters 

“In her first interview since her stunning presidential election defeat by Republican rival Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton on Thursday called for the United States to bomb Syrian air fields. Clinton, in an interview at the Women in the World Summit in New York, also called Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election a theft more damaging than Watergate.

Asked whether she now believes that failing to take a tougher stand against Syria was her worst foreign policy mistake as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, Clinton said she favored more aggressive action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “I think we should have been more willing to confront Assad,” Clinton said in the interview, conducted by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. “I really believe we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them.”

Meanwhile, every time Trump does something that is NOT absurd. He’s heaped with praise. I mean, just look at this piece in the New York Times. He’s praised, despite the fact that the column completely ignores his stance on refugees. And the best way the US could help Syrians is to open up our borders. Expanding refugee resettlement  would carry little in the way of short-term financial costs, and would likely provide a powerful boost to the US economy and drastically increase the living standards of Syrians who were able to relocate. Instead, Trump has sought to slash the number of Syrians allowed to come to the US — while dropping bombs on Syria itself. 


“If we’re actually serious about helping Syrian people — both people who’ve stayed and refugees — it’s not enough to identify an intervention that seems like it could make things better and then declare that it’s the only viable solution. You have to compare it with alternative plans, and see which produces the most good at the least cost. And it’s very, very hard to argue that any military intervention that could avert further bloodshed in Syria — or even have prevented the bloodshed of the last four years — would have done more good, at lower cost, than this: simply issuing green cards to every Syrian who wants one — or even issuing them to just 1 million, or 500,000 — and providing airlifts to bring people here.” (via Dylan Matthews at VOX)

17 thoughts on “Trump’s Syria Strike

  1. I am totally skeptical of his motives myself; that man is not a humanitarian. People have dug up some old tweets this morning on the issue that show how hypocritical he is. Plus I’ve seen some reports that the Russians and Syrians were warned about the attack, and were able to evacuate. Don’t know if true, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Thanks for posting the HIllary interview – so maybe he was just following her orders?! 😜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with Hilary, of course. Since the air strikes, my fondest wish would be for us to actually help the people that have lost all in a v tangible way. Seeing a picture of a dead toddler on a beach kinda feckin does you in. I’ll keep donating.

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  3. I agree Amanda. As much as I loved Obama his stance was not one I agreed with. We had no choice but to take action now. Trump can claim all of the credit for taking action and blaming Obama but putting a ban on Muslims and refusing to take in Syrian families and children is like talking out of both sides of his mouth.

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    1. I can’t tell if you’re just being sarcastic but I would say you’re right. He never will because he’s a shallow, self centered,unpleasant person. If he does anything right as president it will be an accidental outcome of pursuing his own self interests. Sorry. I have no respect for the man.


  4. I’m of 2 minds in relation to this action by the US. No I’m not an American. Yes something had to be done to stop the chemical attacks on Syria’s citizens, but little was done in the last 7yrs.of the civil war. Trump blames Obama for not doing enough during his administration, yet it is my understanding that the GOP refused to give Congressional approval for any aggressive action back in 2013. Did not Obama seek approval from Congress for a more comprehensive action after the first findings of chemical attacks? The solution then, was to make Syria relinquish all chemical weapons. Not enough obviously. But is the former administration to blame or the obstructionist GOP who vowed in 2008 (Mitch McConnel sp?) to never let Obama get anything done domestically or internationally? This action by the US has many hazards that include allies and basically the rest of the world. There are no easy answers to the action taken by the Trump admin., but there are many consequences that I do not trust due to their lack of inexperienced diplomats for Trump and co. to adequately explore.It has the potential to involve the whole fricken world. It is very frightening and potentially catastrophic. Sorry for my lengthy post.


  5. I’m the last person in the world to advocate violence but I was glad we bombed Syria. I’ve just had fucking ENOUGH with the atrocities and suffering. I’m not well informed about the situation and what our response has been in the past but I know enough to say we haven’t done enough. But neither have our allies or the UN. Just a lot of tut tutting and hand wringing in my opinion. The real issue seems to be Russia. Is Syria Putin’s puppet put out there to taunt and provoke the western world? Is there fear that aggressive action in Syria could lead to further aggression from Russia? Is Putin testing us??

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    1. The problem is- 1. it was never about the children of Syria (because Trump STILL won’t accept them into our country) 2. which means its about oil (shocker) and 3. the airstrikes cost MILLIONS of dollars and didn’t damage anything or do anything -A

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    2. And yes, the issue is Russia (because its about oil). Putin has propped up Assad so its difficult for us to go into Syria and do something to Syria without doing something to Russia. And who wants two countries with NUKES in battle? No one. -A

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  6. You’re right – Trumps decision to bomb was not out of concern for the human suffering in Syria. My rant went a little off-topic. Sorry!!I’m totally with you that a true humanitarian response would start by accepting refugees and vetted Muslim immigrants into our country.


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