80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht Nov 9-10

I had the honor of attending this event at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum yesterday- one of the privileges of living where I live. I’ve been spending much of my time these last two years reminding myself how this happened, what the signs were, and how to be an ally as so many hateful parallels are evident today- from the rise of hate and anti-semitism, to the power of the white male terrorists we refuse to do nothing about, or the tacit approval of Neo-nazis.

The panel consisted of the family of Renia Spiegel, a young woman executed by the Nazis while she was in hiding. Over 700 pages of her diary were recently uncovered in a desk. The corresponding SMITHSONIAN article on Renia’s diary was released and published, unplanned, the same weekend of the TREE OF LIFE Synagogue attack, if that doesn’t remind you how timely and relevant all of this still is.



Learn more about Renia and the diary here



13 thoughts on “80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht Nov 9-10

  1. It seems we have a President that thinks the Constitution is to be used as a coaster. He must have slept through his ethics class at Wharton .There is a professor from Penn somewhere spinning in his grave .Simply put the mans an idiot

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was a fascinating, horrific thing to learn about as a child. How could people do that to another human being? What’s wrong with being Jewish? Why did people listen to him? That could never happen now, I thought. And yet here we are. I’m not saying Trump is the new Hitler but I see enough to convince me we’re headed down a really bad path.

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  3. Amanda, Thank you so much for sharing. I had not known about Renia’s diary. I just took my family to the museum this past June and I am not sure if I missed an exhibit on her diary. So grateful you shared her story here. This museum is incredible and an American treasure. We need to fully understand how genocide happens; how the Holocaust came to be. It is the ONLY way to prevent atrocities from repeating. My children were 15 and 12 at the time of our visit. My 15 year old has known the current state of our country how it is dangerously close to breaching that line that Germany crossed in the 1930’s. What amazed me is that my 12 year old autistic son made the connection within 15 minutes into the exhibit. He is so intelligent yet human behavior and society norms can baffle him; that is part of his disability. However, facts are black and white for him and patterns for him are easy to decipher. He saw the connection instantly.

    I cannot understand why the current administration, their supporters, and many American citizens cannot see the direction we are heading. Every step, every action, every word this president utters is clearly a red flag. It is terrifying. A twelve year old boy is picking up the facts and patterns. Why can’t others?!

    Again, thanks for the share. Every story is important. Never again.


  4. My Jewish ancestors who lived in Russia were forced to leave the land due only because of their faith and migrated to Germany where they were required to add burg on the last of their name for assimilation by the government.

    My great grandfather in the 1890’s packed his wife and children and came to America because the persecution of Jews were escalating he felt is was getting unsafe in Germany so he left with his immediate family. The rest of the family stayed. He came to participate in the Oklahoma land rush he obtained land and the family still owns it today.

    The family that stayed in Germany 80% died in the camps. Never forget means a lot to me also.

    We differ I did not vote for Obama nor did I protest him because in my faith I am to honor those who are in power because God appoints them as much as man does.

    I did vote for Trump as a Christian Jew I value life from conception to the grave. I value the right of everyone to protest peacefully as the 1st amendment states. Peace and concern for each other is being lost.

    We can totally disagree but still listen to each other in a fashion that allows everyone to speak and listen. Those on my side had the exact words come from their mouth as you are saying about Trump.

    We the people must honor the voting process accept results and move forward in a respectful way. We must work to generate peace with each other.

    I am personally exhausted from being called names and spit upon by individuals while representing my beliefs. I hope and pray we stop talking fear from both sides and meet each other in the middle respect each other and stop calling for violence. No matter who inacts violence it must stop.

    I may be rambling but my heart is broken over the hate being spewed. My faith teaches me to love my enemies to pray for them to not seek vengeance upon them. You did not see riots when we lost the house we accepted the decision and moved forward. There have been individuals who have done horrific things but I blame the individual not a party.

    How can we make a positive difference that uplifts all sides and brings everyone to the table? 🙏


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