Current mood

To anyone (including my kids) who is complaining that we “didn’t get everything we wanted last night”, here’s a few important things to think about.  Mostly importantly




That means that the brilliant Adam Schiff (if you don’t know him, look him up he’s a damn superstar), will be the Chairman of the House Intelligence [correction] Committee.  That gives him the right to subpoena everything from the IRA for Trump’s tax returns, to Brett Kavanaugh’s victims who were never given their day in court.  It gives him the power to reopen the investigation into Russian election meddling, or start a new one.  It gives him the right to investigate shady elected officials who are in the pocket of Putin and Trump, like Dana Rohrbach, Steve King and Devin Nunes.  And on, and on, and on.

Nancy Pelosi, the brilliant strategist who did the impossible by delivering the votes for Obamacare, will be back to shepherd a young generation of up-and-coming leaders.

Obamacare can’t be gutted anymore.  Coverage for pre-existing conditions is safe again.

Impeachment is in the offing.  Even if the Senate won’t remove him from office, the stench of impeachment will follow President Shitstain forever.

The voters elevated Democrats such as Beto O’Rourke, Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum to center stage.  The bench is getting stronger.  They’re not going anywhere. 2020 is calling their names.

And most of all…



For anyone who sees the glass half empty, here’s what I want you to do.  I want you to plug in your headphones (yes, headphones), crank up the volume, and listen to this oldie that I play religiously every morning while walking the dog at daybreak.  It’s the best way I know how to start my day.  I dare you to feel like shit after doing this.  You’re welcome.

Oh Danny Donny boy…


40 thoughts on “Current mood

  1. So disappointed about Beto. I hate that asshole Cruz Tried to send as much as we could. I feel the same way about the election. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Woke up this morning expecting 100 Boxes of cookies.
    Only got 30. Still plenty, but not what I expected. Then I actually thought about what we did achieve yesterday, and now am happily chomping down on those choc chips! Milk anyone?

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Colorado went completely blue last night…yes, COMPLETELY! We elected three Governors in rust-belt states that went for Trump, MI, WI, PA(good bye Scott Walker). We elected more women and people of color than ever before. Kris Kobach lost in Kansas, may he be forever suppressed. I applaud every Democrat and Independent in red states who fought so hard to move us back to American values. This was one battle. We are still fighting the war…#NeverGiveUp.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Yes, Puffy there is much to be thankful for this morning, but much work ahead. I don’t mean to contradict your information so please excuse me for being wonky about getting the right info out. Adam Schiff (you’re right the man is a rock star!) will now oversee the House Committee on Intelligence – I expect a lot of new information to come to light. The likely new head of the House Judiciary Committee is Rep. Jerrold Nadler of NY.

    Batten down the hatches, it’s going to be a helluva fight…but at least there’s some sort of leash on Trump now.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. True, but we can hope and set out our expectations for those who were elected. Trump will not be President forever, and people will remember those who do not represent them.


  5. Ah Chumbawumba!! 👏💃🏻 FTW!!!

    Puffy, that’s a wonderful summary of this election – thank you for putting things in perspective. I watched from the Canadian side of the border and was dismayed with the amount of red in the map. But to see the details as you lay them out is very heartening.

    We had similar divisiveness in our last federal election, thanks largely to social media. I hope eternally for both our countries that sense and compassion win over all.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m pleased. First, Dems took the House! Second, those damn negative ads are over. I’m listening to the man in charge (for now) whining about how the Dems are going to come after him. And how he wants to work together. And bumbling and rambling. A lot of that.
    I cannot wait for someone who can put a coherent sentence together.
    In the meantime, this is a much better place than it was yesterday. By far.

    🎶one foot in front of the other🎶

    Liked by 7 people

  7. As a Brit I have little clue as to the mechanics of US politics. However, it seems that a soupçon of sanity has finally made itself evident.

    A flutter of a butterfly’s wing …

    Good luck, America

    Liked by 6 people

  8. Hehe how about Maxine Waters chairing the House Financial Services committee which oversees the nation’s Big banks. She has called for increased regulation which Trump does not want. “Crazy, low IQ” Maxine Waters…wonder how the Big Cheetoh likes that?😂😜

    Liked by 2 people

  9. In September of 2008 and the economy was collapsing, Hank Paulson (the Republican Treasury Secretary) went to Republicans and asked for money to inject into the system. They said No. It was so critical that he then went to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House. She got him the vote and the money. She knows how to wield power in Washington. There isn’t anyone more powerful in Washington than The Speaker of the House if they know how to use that power. If anybody thinks Trump isn’t shaking in his shoes over what she has waiting for him….they to rethink it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. agree…Nancy Pelosi is a masterful strategist and tactitioner…she understands the rules of both the House and Senate, as well as the laws that govern them. The House needs her expertise to get things done


  10. Maine went blue also. Finally ridding us of LePage (mini Trump). We now will have strong women in charge of the state, Janet Mills. Medicaid expansion will be one of the first things she approves.Sadly people buy the crap thrown at Nancy Pelosi. When a lie is told enough times, even sane people start to believe it. We have her to thank for getting the ACA through and many other great things. Using her age against her is ageism. She rocks and I will be very happy to see her back in charge of the House.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Puffy, there’s such a wonderful change in the atmosphere here now! Relief and confident optimism, with a sense of pride in what’s been achieved, it’s all there 😀
    Following the TV footage of events in America, I’ve seen many compassionate, dignified and politically gifted men and women who’ll have the chance to effect change for the good of many and not just the few. And as for all the newly elected women….you go, girls!
    Congratulations, America! ❤️
    Pat T.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. with Trump’s threats to the Democrats and his firing of the Atty Gen as his opening salvo after the mid-term election, I look for our politics to resemble the OK Corral: the Democrats on one side, squaring off with Trump and his bootlickers on the other…hang onto your seats, it’s gonna be a volatile time ahead


  13. I’m just so happy that the Keebler Elf finally gets to return home to his tree and help the other elves bake their cookies in time for Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Trump came to my town last week for a rally to unseat our incredibly humble and loved senator. We were not able to send blue to the house, but our senator eked out a win and I was so thankful I was in tears. Trump came here 4x, absolutely determined to get rid of him, and he wasn’t able to do it in a state he won in ‘16 by double digits. Native Americans in our state had a 50% turnout rate! We have a lot to be thankful for, even though we still have so far to go…. but times are changing!

    Liked by 2 people

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